Saturday 11th January 2014
Smokin’ The Profit and Echo Marley at the Donkey
A sizable crowd had gathered at The Donkey tonight to see two bands whose popularity is clearly demonstrated by the turnout.
Leicester’s Smokin’ The Profit started the night. Tommy Bee, lead singer and guitar, Hilary Fox on guitar, Andy Morgan on bass and Sam Winterton on drums. A band that has been playing together for many ears, Smokin’ The Profit is one of the city’s best loved bands. Last year they played with ska band Sonic Boom Six. The band’s appealing brand of ska has long been celebrated; as they broke into one of many infectious rhythms.

Last year we saw them play at that very special night at The Font when they were on the line-up with Smokestacks (Music in Leicester, 27th September.)
Now with the harmonica of Sean Clutterham, the band’s sound has an even more richly pleasure colour. STP’s set of memorable songs and beltin’ beats, skillfully blended ska, punk and pop into one ear-licking cocktail.
Along the way, the band has played innumerable gigs, supporting such legends as Ed Tudor Pole (of Ten Pole Tudor and Crystal Maze fame), Sonic Boom 6, Random Hand and Roddy Radiation.
Follow Smokin’ The Profit on Facebook.
What STP has started, Echo Marley and The Musical Warriors kept going with a set of jubilent songs richly laden wih the vibes of reggae.

On stage tonight with Echo Marley were Deven Stuart, guitar and vocals, Oscar Reynolds, drums, Jake St. James, bass, Jon page, guitar and Phil Garrett, sax and keyboards.
Deven Stuart might be remembered by some when he formed part of a Leicester band called The Truth. Jake St.James, Jon Page and Phil Garrett are also in Megadub.

Deven’s vocals were accompanied by Jake St. James from the keyboard
A richly varied set of songs kept the room alight with musical fervor. To their own songs Echo Marley added from covers, especially those from the great Bob Marley. Even the theme from Swan Lake came into somewhere in a jazzed-up version.

Echo Marley has an EP coming soon.
Follow Echo Marley on Facebook.
A magical night of memorable music.